AT 4PM YESTERDAY I COULD FEEL IRRITATION IN MY SINUSES AND A TWITCH IN MY THROAT. I looked at my daughter, pail and clearly suffering a summer cold...
... dawgawn kids.
She knew my only A race of the summer is in a scant 3 days. As she left to go home and sleep, she looked at me and said...
... Don't worry dad drink a lot of water and get some vitamin C.
She was calm.
I was in a full panic.
Her advice was solid, but there was one more tool to add to the mix...
... Zicam.
I went immediately to the grocery store and scored a pack. And, I've taken the max dosage, plus gallons of water and handfuls of vitamin C...
... and a solid night's sleep.
This afternoon Surfergirl wanted to go for an easy spin,
I kitted up in a hurry, hustled out the door and looked at my Wahoo.
116 bpm.
No bueno.
I settled in behind the wheel and drove to the trailhead. Looked at the Wahoo again.
55 bpm
That's more like it.
Now it would be a question of watching it as I lazily climbed up the mountain. If it dropped fast, things were good. If it stayed pegged...
... the h.r. rose and dropped with the terrain.
Now it's just a matter of getting the rest, staying on the regimen and thinking positive healthy thoughts...
... yes, I'm woowoo with positivity.
This was such a relief to see.
We've been getting rain every afternoon... the trails are excellent.
So, I had to uncork it a bit on the way down.
Made myself a tall, chocolate goodness when I got back.
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8.5 hrs
Stretch and HyperVolt