Nice bag! It fits everything nicely. I specifically like having the labelled comparts to organize your gear. This is helpful when doing a quick check. If the compartment is empty, I need to add that item to thwe bag. forgot to pack that item.
Have been nothing but happy with my race bag. Helps me stay organized and prevents the inevitable sprawl of my gear, kit, and equipment, especially post-race. Would recommend.
The bag is perfect for what I use it for. It is compact, practical and very useful. I love the all black with white lettering. Good material and quality.
Boy I was wrong. The way this bag is laid out and sized appropriately for my gear, it has room to spare!! It's well constructed and well organized. I wish I had found it a long time ago. If you don't have it and your wondering whether this is the one... TRUST ME and everybody else who owns one. IT IS!!
I desired a bike specific bag to carry my gear to the trailhead. After a bunch of searching I landed on Pedal Industries and one other. The other option was too small so Pedal Industries got the order.
Overall it satisfies the requirements I had. My only complaint so far (only used it a handful of times) is the zippers. The zippers are really lightweight. So much so that I fear this bag isn't going to hold up well long term.