IT'S GOT AI! Yeah, AI will write your term paper. Set up your training plan for you. Of course, it will drive your car for you. And...
... make us slower.
At everything.
How does AI drive our cars?
It learns.
It learns to read the road,
calculate effects of weather,
anticipate the actions of other drivers.
Which means we don't,
or if we did once have the skill we start to lose it.
Take riding singletrack for instance.
Climbing it's not to challenging unless there are rocks and switchbacks.
We're going slow.
We have the time to make all the calculations necessary to ascend without putting our feet down.
When we turn around, it's all the same data coming at us but a lot faster.
One of two things will happen:
- We'll get behind on the calculations, panic and crash
- We'll slip into a state of flow
When we are in flow...
- We relax
- Things slow down
- We easily go much faster
... that is a beautiful feeling.
8 hrs sleep
Pullups Pushups Airsquats
0 minutes recovery
320 minutes reading + Journaling