I'M NOT SAYING I'M SUPER STRONG, just stronger than I was a year ago, and probably...
... a million times stronger than most cats my age.
That might be an understatement.
How'd I do it?
That's the funny part.
There's no magic...
... unless you count patience.
But, it's so simple and so effective and so time efficient I can't stop wanting to share it.
Every day, and by every day, I mean I super very rarely skip a day. Like never, unless I'm tapering for a race.
Every day,
in under 15 minutes,
from the comfort of my garage,
in the leisure of my cozy pajamas...
- PullUps
- PushUps
- Squats
... in that order.
Multiple sets that wind up totaling...
- 25
- 75
- 15
... respectively.
I sucked when I started.
Had to jump up and lower myself down slowly on the pullups because I could barely do one.
I started doing 2x on the pushups vs pullups, and now I'm 3x of however many pull ups.
Currently, that means the first set is 8 pullups, 24 pushups, 5 squats.
Let me put this in perspective for us all...
... basic fitness for the military age male is being able to do 12 pullups in a row and 42 pushups in a row.
I'm going to shoot for my max being 12 pullups, which I could probably do now...
.... if I wasn't such a stickler for form.
Am I bragging?
I'm begging.
Begging all of us to be strong,
so our bones and souls are less likely to break.
... No one is good at something they've never done before...
8.5 hrs sleep
1 RaceDay Ready Circuit
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling